
Showing posts from February, 2019

Income Tax Savings Made Easy

For most of the salaried employees time is fast approaching for the submission of documental evidence on the investments and expenses qualified to get tax exemption. The most popular option to save tax is put money in schemes allowed as per Sec 80 C of income tax. There are many tax saving/investment options qualified under Sec 80 C. Under Sec 80 C, all can claim a deduction up to 1.5L from their gross taxable income. Many times people remember about tax saving requirement at the last moment and put money in schemes without knowing its details and ends up in blunder which causes loss of money and pain. One should understand different parameters and carefully choose the product before putting money into it. In order to get the maximum benefit from the tax saving option, it is advised that he should align his life goal with the investment product. At the same time, you need to know the tax treatment on the maturity at the end of the investment period. Along with savings, certain

Insurance-Foundation of Financial Planning

Two of the most confusing words to many people in personal finance management are Insurance and Investments. Many people mix both of this as they choose insurance product for the purpose of investments and some choose investments that offer a small insurance coverage. A sound financial plan is a combination of protection, savings and investments. The simple reason to have an insurance plan is to avoid a financial crisis that can happen due to the occurrence of unpredicted events at unpredicted time. Insurance are generally categorized into two main Category-Life Insurance and General Insurance (Non-Life Insurance). Life insurance is covering the risk of human life value in case of an eventuality and Non-life insurance offer the risk coverage for all other risks like health, vehicle, fire etc. Life Insurance products in general can categorized into two and they are pure insurance (term insurance) and insurance combined with savings which could be further subdivided into En